Basic Elements Of Christianity

Quiz on The Fruit And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

Rev. 19(7/12)

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1. Of the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit, which is most important?
A - The gifts are most important.
B - Uh, flip a coin.
C - Both are equally important.
D - The fruit is most important.

2. You chose the answer you did in question 1 because . . .
A - I would like to have a coin, in fact, lots of coins!
B - the Holy Scriptures show a true direct knowledge of God through Christ is needed for salvation.
C - only those who do great works for Christ will be saved.
D - both B and C

3. From John 15:1-8 we see that If we do not produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit . . .
A - we will still be saved from Hell.
B - we will be cast into Hell.
C - we are not true disciples of Christ.
D - both B and C.

4. The only way to produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit is to . . .
A - be in Christ and remain in Him.
B - speak in tongues.
C - be baptized in water.
D - be Pentecostal or Charismatic

5. Vine describes this fruit as "the fruit of power":
A - love
B - joy
C - peace
D - meekness

6. Agape (love) . . .
A - is from the will.
B - is from emotion.
C - is from our soul.
D - is from our flesh.

7. Which section of Holy Scripture lists the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
A - 1 Cor. 13
B - Gal. 5:22-23
C - 1 Cor. 12:8-10
D - 1 Cor. 14

8. A list of the fruit of the Holy Spirit may be found at / in ...
A - Gal. 3:12-13
B - 1 Cor. 14.
C - Gal. 5:22-23
D - 1 Cor. 12:8-10
9. Longsuffering . . .
A - is godly forbearance, being patient toward others.
B - is having endurance in trouble.
C - is being tolerant of sin.
D - is all of the above.

10. The Holy Spirit fruit of peace is ...
A - the absence of external disturbances.
B - tolerating sin.
C - an inward trusting calmness and meekness, based upon the written Word of God, the finished work of Christ, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit.
D - A and C

11. The foundation of peace is ...
A - compromise.
B - in having made peace with God through Jesus Christ.
C - unity with others.
D - a long vacation.

12. The fruits of the Holy Spirit are developed from . . .
A - Christ Himself within us.
B - doing good works.
C - our own positive personality traits.
D - going to church.

Make sure you have selected an answer for each question!

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