Basic Christianity

Quiz on The Holy Spirit and His Riches

Rev. 13a(1/25)

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1. In this lesson, we emphasized the "seed" of Christ through the Holy Spirit within a person ...
A - means he can be called a Christian.
B - makes him a son of Abraham.
C - is a symbol.
D - places within that person the moral qualities that God wants them to have.

2. The Holy Spirit is . . .
A - just a force from God.
B - the emotion of God.
C - spiritual wind.
D - He Who makes the Father and the Son vibrant in our lives with power.

3. One way we see the power of the Holy Spirit in the life of Peter is that Peter . . .
A - wrote two epistles.
B - caught a fish with a coin in its mouth.
C - fasted.
D - was very calm in prison though death surely awaited him.

4. The image above should remind you ...
A - to wash your car.
B - the Lord commands us to be baptized.
C - of the Jordan River.
D - the seven spirits before the throne of God.

5. The word "parakletos" basically means . . .
A - a parable.
B - a dove.
C - one called alongside.
D - any bird-like creature.

6. Adoption ...
A - is not found in the Bible.
B - is a high expression of the agape love of God.
C - just deals with the social realm.
D - is for those that are worthy.

7. In this lesson you learned about the emblems of the Holy Spirit. Which two emblems touch upon light?
A - fire and oil
B - seal and earnest
C - dove and fire
D - wind and dove

8. By Christ stating in Revelation 1:17 He is the First and the Last, He identified Himself as . . .
A - a man.
B - the archangel Michael.
D - Gabriel.
9. The seven spirits before the throne of God are . . .
A - listed in Isaiah 11:2.
B - Apostles.
C - the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
D - angels.

10. We know that the Holy Spirit is the very being of God because . . .
A - Christ used the personal pronoun, "He," when referring to the Holy Spirit.
B - the Holy Spirit is shown to have sensibilities, will, and intellect.
C - because an emblem of the Spirit is a male dove.
D - A and B

11. Though I did not specifically cover this, I think you will figure it out. Consider what was said in regard to oil and fire being emblems of the Holy Spirit. Now think of the fact that I listed one of His Names as the Spirit of Promise. Thinking back to a previous lesson, what symbol represents that God keeps His promises, and would connect with something that was said about oil and fire?
A - the number three
B - clothing
C - rainbow
D - the color red

12. The fruit of the Holy Spirit . . .
A - is temporary.
B - is produced when we respond in faith to the seed of Christ within us.
C - comes from our own nature.
D - is learned from other Christians.

Make sure you have selected an answer for each question!

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