Basic Elements Of Christianity

Quiz on The Church

Rev. 22.12

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1. A disciple should only attend a church or fellowship that has...
A. Saturday and Sunday services.
B. sound doctrine.
C. at least one apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher.
D. unity with the Catholic Church.

2. Every true church or fellowship must have what?
A. a building
B. a charter
C. services on Saturday and Sunday
D. true Christians

No, great food is not an answer.

3. What should be meant by a church service?
A. to be spiritually served by the pastor and others
B. a gathering to serve God, serve others, and be spiritually served
C. to be spiritually served by the pastor and other church leaders
D. attending a church meeting to be served

4. When does a church service begin?
A. the moment when two or more disciples gather together
B. as soon as a church leader starts the service
C. whatever time is listed on its schedule
D. when the lead worshipers begin to worship

5. What is the True Church?
A. collectively all groups that say they believe in Jesus Christ
B. the Catholic Church
C. all Protestant churches and fellowships
D. the collective group of real, true born-again Christians throughout the world

6. The term catholic (with a lowercase “C”) ...
A. means the same as Catholic (with a capital “C”).
B. universal (worldwide).
C. The Catholic Church.
D. all non-Protestant groups and fellowships.

7. The Hebrew word in the Old Testament used for Sabbath essentially means ...
A. to rest from labor.
B. the seventh day.
C. Saturday.
D. Sunday.

8. Rachel, a nurse, surrendered her life to Christ. Because she has to work sometimes on Sunday ...
A. she ought to attend a church service on another day. If she cannot, she ought to set aside one day that she rests from labor and focuses upon the Lord.
B. she must quit her job.
C. she is damned.
D. she should sue the hospital.

9. Larry had to move to another country because of his employment. He discovered there were no true Christian churches or fellowships in the town or surrounding area that he moved to. He does not have Internet. What should he do?
A. attend a local church or fellowship even though they are not truly Christian
B. Set aside a day to rest from labor and focus upon worshiping God through Christ and study the Holy Bible, realizing he remains in spiritual fellowship with the universal Body of Christ.
C. nothing
D. worry about his salvation

10. The head of the true universal Church is …
A. Christ.
B. no one.
C. the pope.
D. the one who says they are the chief Apostle.

11. The Christian Church ought to be governed by …
A. the local and / or national government.
B. the pope.
C. their denomination
D. the written Word of God and the Holy Spirit

12. The true Church exists by the …
A. permission of government.
B. apostolic succession, from Peter to the present day leader
C. formation of denominations and fellowships
D. decree of God.

13. What is meant by an “underground church”?
A. Because of persecution, some earlier Christians had to meet in the catacombs which were below the ground.
B. Christian fellowships meeting in bomb shelters.
C. Home churches meeting in cellars.
D. Secretive church meetings.

14. Martial law has been declared. Church buildings have been destroyed. Cellular service and Internet access is denied or extremely restricted. What ought you do as a Christian?
A. Assume that I am damned because I cannot meet with other Christians.
B. nothing
C. enter into the continuous worship that is before His throne, intercede in prayer for others and for situations as led by the Holy Spirit, and study the written Word of God
D. worry

Make sure you have selected an answer for each question! And remember:
You always have value to God and can be used for His purposes.

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