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Something Better to do This Weekend

By Peter P. Macinta

Instead of Halloween, there are at least two things that are far better and much more positive to observe this weekend, and both of them give glory to God.

One is the observation of fall. The leaves on the trees in some parts of the United States are at their peak colors. Even if they are not, in most places in North American one can see changes in the foliage that are still somewhat colorful. It often reminds me of our Creator as being the greatest artist. Surely one can appreciate the beauty seen at this time of the year and give glory to God.

We can also summon praise for God as we think of the thousands of people in past centuries who had trusted Christ in severe persecution, even to death. As mentioned in the previous GemLight, if we are truly Christians, many of these folk who sacrificed for Christ are our spiritual ancestors.

Despite the darkest spiritual times in the Middle centuries, the Holy Spirit of God still moved amongst men. Those that responded to that moving were greatly used of Him.

Then there is the great providence of God. Columbus reached the Americas unknowingly paving the way for the establishment of the United States few centuries later, with the United States being a country from which multitudes of Christian missionaries would come.

Not long after Columbus came to the Americas the printing press was developed, while at the same time godly men had been trained to translate the Holy Scriptures from their original languages to a number of languages spoken by people in Europe. God raised up men like William Tyndale. Despite the prevailing antichrist forces at that time, Tyndale translated the Greek New Testament texts into English. He later went on to translate the Hebrew text of the Pentateuch and a few other Old Testament books into English before he was betrayed and finally martyred for Christ.

And hopefully you know that many people responded to the Holy Spirit of God and the Protestant Reformation came about. That, indeed, is something to celebrate this weekend instead of Halloween. Observe life, not death.

In fact, commit to Eternal Life through Jesus Christ. Christ speaks ofo two groups in the resurrection (John 5:29),"... they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation."

Focus on life, and not death, this weekend--and every day.

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"O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest and not comforted, behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colors and lay thy foundations with sapphires. And I will make thy windows of agates and thy gates of rubies, and all thy borders of pleasant stones. And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD, and great shall be the peace of thy children." --- Isaiah 54:11-13

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