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Bro. Pete's Sapphire Streams
For Your Environment

Whether your state or region faces a phosphate ban as does Maryland for 2010, or has one already in place, chances are if you own a business you are looking for a safe, economical way to meet that goal. Even if you don't own a business most likely you would want to use phosphate earth-friendly environmentally sound products. If so, Shaklee has the answers. Shaklee has always had products safe for the environment.

The products are an economical way to meet the requirements of the ban because they are in concentrated form and less corrosive than other detergents.

For more information contact us at,

You may call us at 410-228-3728, but we screen our phone calls so please leave a message!

All products are free of phosphates.

We are based in Cambridge, Dorchester County, Maryland.

Bro. Pete's Sapphire Streams, flowing with goodness for your . . .
Life     Marriage     Environment