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You Can't Tell Him Anything

By Pete Macinta

A few months ago I was reading items posted on a Christian forum when I came across an story posted by some gentleman. Essentially it spoke about a truck driver that did not have Christ as King and that all attempts to bring this man to Christ seemed "not to work."

The devotional went on to say you cannot tell someone like that anything about Christ and implied, if it did not state it, one should not even try.

I tend to disagree with that concept since as we look into the New Testament we see that God is not willing any should perish. I also all Christians have the responsibility to reach out to the lost. Sure, actions speak louder than words and are often the means by which the lost begin to actually desire the life of Christ, but something still needs to be said as directed by the Holy Spirit.

While the faith to become born-again actually comes from God, our personal faith must be in tune to receive it (please see John 1:12). When we proclaim the saving life of Christ to an unsaved person, that can help tune them in to the saving grace of God, for it is written in Romans 10:17,"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."

For someone to state you cannot tell some people about Christ, and then imply one should not even try, creates thought pattern in some Christians that lessens the spread of the Gospel. Satan, of course, wants that, if not complete cessation of evangelism.

When God tells you to speak, speak. Pass out Gospel tracts. Aye, do these things while at the same time letting Christ live through you.

In our society that is increasingly growing in the direction upon dependence upon human government and surrender to the will of the masses who do not personally know God, every Christian should do what they can to steer the personal faith of lost individuals toward the one true God.

The more we do this, the possibility of seeing results. I still remember reading the first Gospel tract I had seen. At that time I hated God and all religions, especially "Christianity," so the tract's title, "Religion is a Drag," got my avid attention. A few years later, I got another one. Then God sent a young man my way that would tell me about true salvation in Christ and encouraged me to listen to Billy Graham. Rev. Graham's messages led to read the Revelation of Jesus Christ, and I read that Book four times. After all of that, I finally committed my life to Christ.

Where would I be today if Christians had done nothing?

So, for the Christian readers, I encourage you to keep proclaiming the Gospel by word, print, and by your life. For those that are not committed to Christ, I encourage you to pick up a Holy Bible and read it.

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"O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest and not comforted, behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colors and lay thy foundations with sapphires. And I will make thy windows of agates and thy gates of rubies, and all thy borders of pleasant stones. And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD, and great shall be the peace of thy children." --- Isaiah 54:11-13

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