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Bible GemLights


Webo or Velvet?

By Pete Macinta

In an earlier Bible GemLight I spoke about our neighbor's dog, Webo. We have a dog too, Velvet, that we have "inherited" from our youngest son.

My usual habit when I take her outside to do what she has to do is that when she is finished, we go for stroll up our driveway and back into the house.

I noticed that when we would go up the driveway, Webo would never bark at us -- unless one of her human masters were outside. No people, no barking. With people, there is barking.

The thought occurred to me to say something positive about that - that we need to be strong, but the Bible states we need to be "... strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might." (Ephesians 6:10). Paul, by the Holy Spirit, was writing to true Christians since he referred to his audience as brethren.

While I mused on that positive thought, the Lord called my attention to Velvet - she barks at strangers and we don't even have to be in her sight.

Ah! She barks without seeing her masters. This called to my mind that "the just shall live by faith." Romans 1:17

She's a tough dog, and might bite, but she is tough whether she sees us or not.

This also reminds me of 1 Peter 1:8, "Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:"

Now, when you come right down to it, if one is going to be part of a certain religion, then you have some type of faith to believe in it, right? I don't think any of today's Muslims or Buddhists have ever actually seen Mohammed or Buddha respectively.

This, of course, is not the faith that will save anyone from damnation. I once told a Buddhist that Buddha was apparently a very nice man, but he did not die for my sins! Nor did Mohammed or any other person we can speak about.

Only One did - Jesus the Messiah! And, really, I'm not talking religion here. It's the person of Jesus Christ that saves - not religion.

I have seen real Christians go through some terrible times, but still worship, pray, and trust in Christ.

And let us not forget those Christian who face ridicule, confiscation of property, torture and death around the world each day. The Jesus they cannot see gives them the strength to go through these trials.

I don't see Jesus, but I sure love Him. How about you?

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"O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest and not comforted, behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colors and lay thy foundations with sapphires. And I will make thy windows of agates and thy gates of rubies, and all thy borders of pleasant stones. And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD, and great shall be the peace of thy children." --- Isaiah 54:11-13

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